Bee Stings
You will always find bees around certain jobsites. There are over 4,000 different kinds of bees in the Untited States. Some sting and some do not. Bees do not usually sting unless they are frightened or feel their nest is in danger. So if you see several bees flying around a bush, woodpile, stonewall or mound of dirt, chances are, there’s a nest around. You’re asking for big trouble by disturbing a bees nest.
You know when you’ve been stung and you’re probably familiar with the symptoms. There will be redness, swelling, itching and aching around the sting area. First Aid calls for you to try to remove the stinger by gently scraping it out with the tip of sharp knife or your fingernail. Don’t use tweezers or your fingers to remove the stinger as this may squeeze more venom into the affected area. Apply a cold compress and don’t scratch the area.
If you are stung several times or are allergic to bee stings, more serious symptoms may occur. Generalized swelling of all body tissues and shock may very well result. If a bee sting victim is having difficulty breathing, has a severe headache and is generally feeling weak and/or dizzy, get medical help right away.
Have the victim lie down with the head below the heart and the legs elevated. Try to remove the stinger. Mouth to mouth resuscitation may be necessary in extreme cases. If the victim has medicine for bee stings, help administer it. Do not let the victim walk around. It is important to get medical help right away in this case.
Bee stings can be serious. Let’s try to remain safe!!
Animal Bites
Animal bites can be a real concern. Bad infections follow an animal bite and the special danger is the possibility of rabies.
Rabies is usually fatal when the symptoms develop, but can usually be prevented by prompt treatment from a doctor. You may know someone who has undergone the painful series of treatment for rabies. It is important that anyone bitten by an animal receive medical treatment right away.For first aid, wash the bite thoroughly with water and remove the saliva. Use a gauze compress and plenty of soap and water to wash the wound. Then, rinse it clean under running water. Apply a mild antiseptic and cover with a sterile gauze compress.
Snake bites should be treated the same way. Poisonous or non-poisonous, a snake bite should have medical attention. You can recognize a reaction to a poisonous bite if the victim has swelling in the area of the bite along with tingling sensations, rapid pulse, weakness, blurred vision, vomiting or shortness of breath.
Fortunately, there are few reports of employees tanging with animals or snakes. But if it happens, the victim should receive medical attention as soon as possible.